Friday 11 December 2009

Week Three - Research: Film Titles and Taglines

The title and tagline of a film are two of the most important things that a film requires, especially before it is released. A film's title can be used when promoting the film to give it definition and stand out from the many other films that are released in the cinemas every week. Taglines, which can also oftenly be called slogans, are catchy, short phrases used by marketers and film studios to advertise and sell a film while also helping to sum up the plot, tone or themes of it. They can be used to entice an audience as well. This gives the audience a clue towards what might happen within the film. which will entrigue them and will make the viewer want to understand what the tag line means by watching the film. Many films have multiple taglines and are normally located on corresponding posters and trailers for its specific film to reinforce what the film is all about. Some taglines are quite obscure, which makes them unforgettable and therefore helps the audience to remember that particular film.

Some examples of taglines from films that have already been produced are, "No Accidents. No Coincidences. No Escapes. You Can't Cheat Death." This tagline comes from the film, 'Final Destination', which was released in the year of 2003. By looking at this tage line I can see that within my own teaser trailer's tagline I should use short, sharp bursts of words. They should also be worded in a way so that the audience can ask themselves a question, which in this case is about whether or not it is possible to escape the grasps of death. Therefore, through this research I have developed the tagline "You Can't Change the Future", which I believe uses these points.

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