Friday 11 December 2009

Week Three - Research: Film Posters

A film's poster is used to visually promote a recently released film to attract an audience. This is achieved by using information such as stills from the film or the characters that are within it to give its viewers a better understanding of what the film includes. A poster also contains vital information such as the film's title, tagline as well as the names of the actors within it. These points are used to make the film known, which will also help it to attract an audience. This is because if an individual was to see the name of their favourite actor on a poster for a new film, then they may be more likey to go to see that film so that they can view that actor within it.

I have researched film posters within the horror and thriller genre because that is the type of film the my teaser trailer will be. I first looked at the film 'Final Destination', which was released in the year of 2003. The poster for this particular film includes the five main characters. They are shown with one half of their faces missing. This looks similar to a skull because the left side is hollow. This effect makes the poster look sinister and unordinary. It also makes the audience question why the characters appear in a dead like manner, which would add intriuge as well as helping to give the audience a clue to the plot of this particular film. There is light shone onto the other side of their faces, which would enhance the difference to the other, darker side of their faces as well as giving the image a sense of normality to that area.. The blue lightening against the black background, behind the characters, gives the impression of danger, which would then create a link to why part of their faces look like skulls.

I have decided to create two different posters for my teaser trailer so that I can use a variety of ideas. On one poster I will use an image of the main character. This will be placed in the foreground and in the centre of the poster to draw attention as well as showing that she is indead the main character within the film. I will then use the example of 'Final Destinatin' by having half of her face darkened and missing. This is to represent the part of the film when she is possessed and is therefore a dark moment. I will also make the image look more unordinary as well as enhancing the supernatural force that is within the film by changing the colour of the girl's eyes to a silvery
/blue glazed look as though her eyes are unfocused and that she is not in control of her own body. As my film contains the pentacle symbol I will then use an image of it within the title, which is 'Tarot' instead of the o. This will make the title more interesting as well have enhancing the inclusion of the supernatural within the film.

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